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Brycedius Sam
Trying to tell the best story I can with what I have.

Ethnicity 'PUNISHER'

    I'm sure you know this but for all my followers...(gets me every time, lol) that may not know, in summary, Artist and Writers in the entertainment and comic book world, have been mostly creating stories and characters the same way since...well forever, until as of late.  What I mean is there's a LOT of main stream Caucasian main characters, and not a lot of other races promoted for big roles. In comics it's the same, and as much creativity that is in a room full of artist and writers, it's not always their fault. Mind you I'm not bashing anyone... It's who ever owns them, in a sense. Major big corps have been buying up entertainment property for years, Thats why you when you see certain brands, or certain foods, or even certain kinds of people it's all on purpose for a purpose. Like in movies, comics have been doing this for years. The other side of the story is that with these big wigs getting into the comic biz, the have no idea how it works, and they sometimes botch great ideas because they are "business" and "sale sale sale sale" mind oriented. So what ends up happening is that characters get revamped, or re-written based on trends...and what's hot. Unfortunately now, and fortunately African American and Asians are trending, Some more so then others but not because of fair play of society. Like the news, SEX, Violence, DRUGS and MONEY are the focus in which this ideal is shared across the table in entertainment.

 Even civil rights affect comics, which is natural we can't talk about or display things that are too far out of reach, notice how there's not too many space movies out, it's because where not looking into the future, the future is now. What is also trending is Sexuality, the diverse culture that's for some reason taboo, and spot lighted for dramatic enticement. Why, because at the right time and at the right place, all these things can make someone else a dollar. I say this to say, yes, it's ok, to talk about about trending topics, but it's not ok, to change a character to being another sex or race because it's trendy. Which gives the ideal of " white privilege," being something more than a social fact, people take it as law. (which is dangerous) Meaning that the standard for every big mainstream character is white, anything else would be less than. Also, if the story is African American, it has to be "THIS WAY.": Slave, Drug dealer, thug, killer, aggressive, over sexualized, over explicit language (from a child character) poor, to smart for their own good, Dumb counter part, one dimensional and Castrated origins. side note...(I HATE THE FACT  THAT THE CYBORG CHARACTER CANT HAVE KIDS...BUT an ALIEN FROM ANOTHER GALAXY CAN MATE WITH A HUMAN WOMAN...WHILE MARTIAN THE MAN HUNTER IS GREEN and IN HUMAN FORM IS BLACK AND IS AFRAID OF FIRE, BECAUSE OF WHITE MARTIANS ATTACKING HIS HOME,CMON!!!! NOT MAKING THIS UP) calm down and regain composure...

So Like I was saying it's good to have a balance in entertainment but not for a buck, but because it's NEEDED to change the narrative of the history that we are so doomed to repeat. So here's A version of The character 'Punisher,' that would be nice to see, given the TRENDING TOPICS of police brutality against African America...see what I did there... It would be interesting to see an American, military, special ops. soldier that has been radicalized by his family being slaughtered because his government betrayed him. So he takes what he knows and what he has been through and channels it into this one goal, to punish those that are punishing others for monetary gain and political status. From Drug dealers, to hitman, to politicians, to police etc...he only goes after uniforms. and he happens to be in a world where Iron man exist. (Hail Hydra)   It's already good right!!? lol.

Well, either way be more aware of what you're feeding your self with what you take in, and always re-center your self daily. 

Be great and take care


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