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Brycedius Sam
Trying to tell the best story I can with what I have.

Ahhh Rebecca Sugar Sugar!! about a life changing cartoon that tackle the taboo of life and humanity while it still exist!
This was well thought out and executed beautifully, and the have to be a fan of music to get the simple melodies with heavy tones that give you a sense of ease, darn you Rebecca Sugar for putting your Sweet story into my eyes and giving me a Cavity filled with hours of family time that I had while the series was binge-watched by my girls and myself!  Who would have thought that singer, song-writer Estelle would be in a animated feature, and it so good that she is!! Her voice has become Iconic!! Sneaky Sneaky Sugar!
This is just a tribute to you, saying thank you for bringing your story to life and sharing with us your vision!


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